Category: Insights Communities

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The Power of Research Communities; A KLC Perspective

Why Communities? The Value of Communities for Research  Market research has evolved dramatically over the last few decades, but there is a constant which still remains. Can you guess what this is? It is the need for high-quality, engaged respondents who happily provide their unique feedback from which we draw actionable insights.  While traditional survey …

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How Does AI Impact Your Insights Community?

Market Research Online Communities (MROCs) as they were typically called at the time were a yearly feature in GRIT’s new technology section for over a decade, until they became nearly ubiquitous due to their cost/time efficiencies over ad hoc research.   But do those advantages still hold when compared to the potential of AI synthetic data/respondents?  …

Tags: AI, Insights Communities

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Don’t Let AI Prevent HI–Embracing the Surface Noise

I love that lead-in quote and not simply because I’ve been a vinyl record enthusiast and collector since a guy named Reagan lived in the White House. I also love it because I’m a HI (Human Insight) enthusiast and embracing life’s surface noise is critical in the pursuit of human insight. Given the current state …

Tags: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Insights, Insights Communities, Online Communities, Research, Technology

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What Is an Insight Community?

An insight community is a valuable research tool that virtually brings together a select group of your customers, prospects, or key stakeholders, allowing you to regularly engage with them and gather valuable feedback and deep insights.  With an insight community you can better understand your audience, identify their needs and preferences, and ultimately make more informed decisions to help drive your business forward. 

Tags: Customer Experience, Insights, Insights Communities, Online Communities

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Case Study:  Utility CX & Brand Tracking With An Insights Community

Insights Communities are an effective and affordable way for utility providers to track key performance indicators.  Do you need to regularly answer questions like these: Questions like these or closely related ones are often critical for utility companies to answer.  Regularly tracking the metrics that result from these types of questions is the key to …

Tags: Customer Experience, Insights, Insights Communities, Online Communities, Utility Industry

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Does Your Insights Community Suffer from Quiet Quitting?

Members typically join an insights community because of their interest in the brand or the product category (for blind communities).  This interest is the hook that drives initial signup. Once recruited, community members are typically treated to a passive, reactive experience.  They are asked to participate in research projects without the courtesy of explaining how …

Tags: Insights Communities

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