Our President and Founder, Kevin Lonnie, will be running a best practice workshop on “How to Own Customer Co-Creation” at The Quirk’s Events in both Orange County, CA and Brooklyn, NY. The events will include an expo, as well as breakout sessions and networking opportunities.
With decades of experience in the MR industry, Kevin is ready to help bring disruptive change to your organization.
During this session, attendees will:
- Learn how to create a “pull” for customer insights so they are construed as inspiration and not a threat to internal creative team.
- Learn the differences and subtleties between crowdsourcing versus customer co-creation and the role of an agile, iterative process.
- Come away with a full understanding of the trade-offs between in-person brainstorming versus longitudinal (asynchronous) online discussions.
To find out more information about Kevin’s session or to register for the Brooklyn event, visit The Quirk’s Event site here.